Pet Care for Cats

cat on a white rug

Fun Facts

  • Cats spend an average of 13-14 hours a day sleeping
  • Cats have night vision
  • A female cat is a molly or queen
  • A male cat is a tom
  • A group of cats is a clowder
  • The average lifespan is 12-15 years
  • The average cat hears 5 times better than humans

Nutrition for Cats

A cat should eat the highest, quality cat food their pet owner can afford. Many pet owners typically feed their cat dry food as it is less expensive than canned cat food. Although, some may prefer eating canned food. A combination of dried and canned food is given as well. For cats that only eat dry food, fresh water has to be available at all times.

For further information, please visit the Cornell Feline Health Center.

Basic Hygiene for Cats

Regularly brush a cat’s coat to keep it clean, and reduce shedding and hairballs. Brushing the fur also allows cat owners to check for signs of parasites. It is also important to trim a cat’s claws every 2-3 weeks to prevent scratches, infection, and injuries to pet owners.

Typically, cats do not need to be bathed regularly as they groom themselves. A bath may need to be given if they have the following: parasites, obesity, or mobility issues.

    • Litter box
    • Litter
    • Brush
    • Comb
    • Nail clippers

    Living Conditions for Cats

    Cats should live in a safe, loving home with cat owners who are able to tend to their needs. A cat should either have a cat bed or crate lined with a blanket or towel to rest and feel comfortable.

    In addition, cat owners should purchase a scratching pad or post as they like to scratch on objects for marking territory. Purchasing a scratch pad or post can help prevent damage to furniture.

    For more information, read this daily cat care article from the ASPCA:

    ASPCA Cat Care